The companies we invest in show great potential and can offer climate friendly solutions in Norway and the world at large.
Our objective
Nysnø invests in technology, solutions and services that can move Norway toward becoming a low emission society, at the same time as we contribute to reducing global greenhouse gas emissions.
We will contribute to:
- Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions: We contribute with capital to develop and commercialise technology that reduces greenhouse gas emissions.
- Profitability: Our portfolio shall be profitable over time.
- Positive societal effects: We will function as catalysts for private investments and business activities, facilitate development of technology and increase awareness of greenhouse gas emissions and sustainability issues.
Investment strategy
We are on the lookout for companies that lead the way toward a low emission society. Based on our current knowledge of greenhouse gas emissions, certain sectors stand out:
- Energy
- Transport
- Infrastructure
- Buildings
- Industrial processes
- Food production
Certain key technologies have great potential across all sectors:
- Energy management and storage
- Energy efficiency and battery technology
- Digitalised and integrated energy systems
- Carbon capture, use and storage
- Recycling and energy efficient materials
We seek the best companies in each of these segments to ensure that our investments provide the greatest returns and a positive climate effect.
Our social mission is related to greenhouse gas emissions, but we take all aspects of sustainability seriously. We integrate environmental, social and governmental issues (ESG) in all our analyses, and expect that the companies we invest in, as well as the companies that we co-invest with, have an awareness and attitude toward ESG that they put into action.
Read more about our Investment criteria and ESG Policy

What does Nysnø offer as owner?
Nysnø is a commercial company, and our priority is to create long-term profitability on our investments. Long-term profitability requires that companies have a sustainable business strategy, and that they are part of the solution in a future low emission society.
We have patient capital and are able to support the companies thought the demanding expansion phase, which often requires major investments but where it will take time before any returns are yielded.
We draw on competence within the areas of finance, technology and exercise of ownership. As owners, we have a knowledge base that enables us to understand challenges facing the companies and to contribute to solutions. Nysnø has a broad network in the private business sector as well as the public sector, and as owner we are able to bring together the right resources.
Creating change
Nysnø seeks to make investments alongside private participants looking for profitable, climate friendly investments. Investing together promotes an increased level of knowledge, supply of resources and efficiency. For the companies we invest in, this provides access to large networks and greater competencies. We can invest with both Norwegian and foreign investors.
Moreover, Nysnø will work with public and private participants to strengthen initiatives toward reducing greenhouse gas emissions and support the development of technology.
Why Norway?
Norway has a unique competitive advantage in a greener future. Our country has vast amounts of natural resources and easy access to clean energy. We have solid government finances and a well-developed finance industry. Norway has extensive technological experience from the oil and shipping industries as well as their related supplier industries.
Technological competence in the Norwegian population is high, and Norwegians enthusiastically embrace new technology. Norway is a stable democracy that benefits from a high level of trust, and it has a solid reputation as an environmental nation. This gives us an excellent starting point for making a difference globally.
Nysnø will actively contribute to a robust and sustainable Norwegian business life and financial market that offers high quality climate friendly solutions and investment opportunities to people in and outside of Norway.